Our products

1. Definitions

1.1. Administrator – Pharmaceutical Plants “Polpharma” S.A. based in Starogard Gdański (postal code: 83-200), ul. Pelplińska 19
1.2. Cookies – small text files saved on the User’s device while using the Service and any other similar technologies used to collect information about the User’s activity in the Service. Cookies may come from the Administrator or from the Administrator’s trusted partners.
1.3. Cookie policy – this Cookie policy.
1.4. Service – the online service run by the Administrator at the address https://www.api.polpharma.com/
1.5. User – every natural person visiting the Service.

2. What are Cookies used for in the Service?

2.1. The Administrator primarily uses Cookies to enable the User access to the Service and facilitate the User’s use of it.
2.2. The Administrator also uses Cookies for analytical and marketing purposes – but only when the User expresses consent to this at the first entry to the Service.
2.3. The Administrator also uses other technologies and technical solutions that allow access to information stored on the device or in the User’s browser (e.g., Local Storage, through which the Administrator gains access to information saved while using the Service in a separate part of the User’s browser memory).

3. What types of Cookies are used in the Service?

3.1. Cookies used in the Service are divided into the following categories:

Type Description
Essential Cookies These cookies are installed to provide the User with access to the Service and its basic functions, so they do not require the User’s consent. Without essential Cookies, the Administrator would not be able to provide Users services within the Service.
Optional Cookies The Administrator uses these cookies only when the User expresses consent to this. These are cookies:
functional – allow to remember the preferences or choices of Users (such as username, language, text size or other elements, which can be customized) and delivering personalized content within the Service;
analytical – allow to check the number of visits and sources of traffic in the Service. They help to recognize which pages are less or more popular, and understand, how users navigate the site. Thanks to this, the Administrator can improve the performance of the Service;
advertising – are used to deliver ads consistent with the interests and preferences of Users. Based on the information from these files and activity on other services, a profile of interests is built Users.

4. Are third-party Cookies used in the Service?

4.1. Using the Service, the User may receive Cookies originating from entities cooperating with the Administrator. More detailed information is below:

Third party Description
Analytical service providers In order to better understand how the Service works, the Administrator cooperates with analytical service providers such as: Google, Hotjar, LinkedIn, GetResponse
More information on how they use User data, you will find here: 
Hotjar – Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy – Privacy & Terms – Google
LinkedIn Privacy Policy
GetResponse Privacy Policy
Advertising partners Advertising partners of the Administrator may use advertising cookies, to display ads that they believe will be the most interesting for the User, and to measure the effectiveness of such ads in the Service. The list of advertising partners can be found here: Google, LinkedIn

5. How long are Cookies stored?

5.1. Permanent and session Cookies are used in the Service. Below you will find more information about how long they are stored:

Type Descritpion
Session Cookies Some cookies are temporary files, stored until logging out, leaving the site or turning off the web browser. This type of cookies help analyze network traffic, enable identification and solving technical problems and easier navigation through Service.
“Permanent” Cookies “Permanent” Cookies are stored for a period specified in their parameters or until they are deleted by the User. They help the Administrator remember the settings and preferences of the User, to make his next visit more convenient or to provide him with tailored content. Below is the list of cookies along with their lifespan:
_hjSessionUser_{site_id} – 365 days – Set when a user first lands on a page. Persists the Hotjar User ID which is unique to that site. Hotjar does not track users across different sites. Ensures data from subsequent visits to the same site are attributed to the same user ID.
_hjHasCachedUserAttributes – 2 minutes, extended every 30 seconds – Enables us to know when any User Attribute has changed and needs to be updated.
_hjSession_{site_id} – 30 minutes duration, extended on user activity. – Holds current session data. Ensures subsequent requests in the session window are attributed to the same session.
_hjLocalStorageTest – Under 100ms duration. – Checks if the Hotjar Tracking Code can use Local Storage. If it can, a value of 1 is set.
_hjSessionStorageTest – Under 100ms duration. – Checks if the Hotjar Tracking Code can use Session Storage. If it can, a value of 1 is set.
_gcl_au – 90 days – Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.
_ga –  2 years – Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
_gat – 10 minutes – used to limit the number of requests.
_gid – 24 hours – used to identify unique users.
stg_returning_visitor – 365 days – used by PIWIK PRO’s Tag Manager.
stg_traffic_source_priority – 30 minutes – used by PIWIK PRO’s Tag Manager.
stg_last_interaction -365 days – used by PIWIK PRO’s Tag Manager.
_ga_# – 2 years – used to distinguish users.
_pk_id# – 13 months – used to store details about the user, such as unique visitor ID.
_pk_ses# – 30 minutes – records which webpages were viewed.
CookieConsent – 1 year – used to store user’s consent for the cookies on a website.
IDE – 1 year – ads personalization.
lidc – 24 hours – LinkedIn cookie used for routing.
bcookie – 2 years – LinkedIn cookie providing a secure browser ID.
bscookie – 2 years – LinkedIn cookie providing a secure browser ID.
UserMatchHistory – 30 days – used for LinkedIn Ads ID syncing.
lissc – 1 year – used for sign-in with Linkedin and/or for Linkedin follow feature.

6. How can you change your cookie settings?

6.1. The Service uses a consent management platform (CMP) to facilitate the User managing their cookie preferences.
6.2. The User can change their cookie settings using the CMP. CMP allows:
6.2.1. obtain detailed information about the Cookies used in the Service and trusted partners of the Administrator;
6.2.2. express and withdraw consent to the use by the Administrator and trusted partners optional Cookies;
6.2.3. change previously selected settings.

7. Is it possible to change the cookie settings from the level of the web browser?

7.1. The User’s web browser should provide the possibility change settings to reject, delete or block specific Cookies. Under these links are the appropriate information for the most popular browsers:
Delete, allow and manage cookies in Chrome – Computer – Google Chrome Help
Manage cookies in Microsoft Edge: View, allow, block, delete and use – Microsoft Support
How to set cookies in Firefox browser | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support
Web preferences – Opera Help
7.2. Since some Cookies are necessary for the operation of the Service, changing browser settings may cause some services not to work properly, and even completely prevent the use of the Service.

8.Changes to the Privacy Policy

8.1. The Policy is constantly verified and updated if necessary.
8.2. The current version of the Policy was adopted and is effective from 10.07.2024.