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September 2019 was the date when the transformation process started in the API Business Unit of Polpharma.

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This process targets clear information flow from an efficiency perspective based on KPIs, facilitating rapid and correct decisions, and making it easier to continually improve the production area and the whole organisation.

The primary performance management tool is the scoreboard, which monitors, analyses and illustrates key performance indicators (KPIs), measures and key data points to monitor the performance of a company, department or selected process.

Our activities focused on four aspects:

  • Indicators and frequency we measure and analyse
  • Daily production overview and the shift handover
  • Problem solving approach
  • Systematising the performance board

As for the structure of the indicators and their frequency, we present them in accordance with the SQDCP format (Safety, Quality, Delivery, Competitiveness and People). The performance board is compliable with the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) methodology.

Performance board currently supports the daily production overviews and shift handovers and provides clear view on the following.

  • Indicators and frequency we measure and analyse
  • Daily production overview and the shift handover
  • Problem solving approach
  • Systematising the performance board

The ACTIONS section of the performance board plays an important role in performance management.

The board is intended to track activities that have been identified through daily performance reviews. It helps to structure who-what-when, so the activities are not forgotten.

The last point we focused on while working on performance management was problem solving. Previously Ishikawa Diagram and Pareto were available in the Electronic Document Management System for production unit. Our goal was to implement the A3 form for problem solving, which in a structured way, collects and describes the causes of a problem and facilitates effective solution for it.

In retrospect of the time that has passed since the beginning of the transformation, we can confirm several benefits of implementing performance management. The main are:

  • Consistent and effective communication of goals and priorities
  • Better performance of measured KPIs through visualisation and problem-solving orientation
  • Improved teamwork
  • Involvement and empowerment of employees
  • Real-time status updates and continuous improvement
  • Visual management to indicate when a goal is achieved and if there is a problem that needs to be solved
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